The next School Board meeting is Tuesday, March 16 beginning at 5:30 pm.
Items may be added to the draft agenda before the meeting or by a motion adopted at the meeting. Agenda items of interest:
COVID and Learning Models
▶3.03 Elementary Learning Update - Information
▶3.04 Secondary Learning and Mitigation Strategies - Information
Referendum Building Projects, Facilities and Boundaries
▶3.02 Boundary Advisory Committee - Information
▶7.02 Approval of BId Packages for the Fire Alarm and Visual Notifiation Upgrade Project - Briefing
▶7.03 Approval of Proposal for the Furniture Packages for the Referendum New Schools - Briefing
▶7.04 Approval of Alternate for Additional Classrooms at New Bishop Elementary School - Briefing
▶7.05 Referendum Update: Pool Projects - Briefing
Strategic Plan and Equity
▶5.01 Strategic Plan Update - Information
District Calendars
▶7.07 Rochester Public Schools 2022/2023 District Calendar - Briefing
Superintendent Search
▶7.09 Superintendent Search Firm Selection - Briefing
A reminder on what the status of each agenda item means:
✅Consent Agenda - the Board is being asked to take action/vote on this item at this meeting.
✅Information - the Board is receiving information
✅Briefing - the Board is being asked to take action/vote on this item - it could be moved to Action at this or a later meeting.
✅Action - the Board is being asked to take action/vote on this item at this meeting.
Individuals may watch online (live or recorded) at
In accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.021, members of the public are not permitted to attend this meeting due to the current health pandemic. Therefore, the process for public comments at regular school board meetings will temporarily be changed. The School Board welcomes input from our community. The best way to share your thoughts and ideas with Board members is through email; to contact all RPS School Board members, please email
Next School Board Regular Meeting: April 6, 2021 @ 5:30 pm
