Thank you for electing me to a second terM!
Accountability and transparency are extremely important to me.
I am so honored to have been elected to the school board in 2018, and I would like to be transparent
about how I performed on my campaign promises over the past 4 years.
School safety:
Upgraded building entry infrastructure and emergency alert communications
Made more mental health services available to students
District communication:
Prioritized two-way communication
Improved communication of school board agendas and opportunities to provide input before decisions are made
Strengthened standing community advisory committees to provide important input to the District
Teachers and staff:
Prioritized the input of teachers and staff to identify the resources and professional development opportunities they need to address the needs of today’s students
Strategic planning:
Developed short-term and long-term priorities, milestones, and timeframes for completion and re-evaluation
Communicated how priorities are being incorporated into decisions on staffing and budgets with educators, families, and the community
Included plans for evaluating how priorities were implemented in programs and curricula
Revenues and expenditures:
Avoided damaging budget cuts
Advocated for adequate funding from state
Obtained community support for capital funding of new school facilities
Considered Rochester’s economy and tax impacts before making long-term finance decisions on capital or operations​​
Supported operating tax levy amounts that have been level or decreasing since 2019.
Student achievement and evaluation of improvement strategies:
Set priorities based on evaluating current student needs and how current programs and curricula are supporting student proficiency and achievement
Superintendent evaluation:
Developed a structured superintendent evaluation tool and review process
Incorporated surveys of students, teachers and families into an evaluation process
Completed superintendent evaluation once in each 12-month period
New school construction:
Addressed enrollment and current building capacity challenges as needed in the near-term
As part of new school construction decisions, ensured a transparent process for gathering community input and shared planning parameters and data with the community
Updated the process for gathering community-wide input on boundary adjustments to make sure it includes diverse perspectives
Board oversight supported on-time and on-budget completion of all the 2019 referendum construction projects
Hands-on learning curriculum:
Supported expansion of CTECH
Supported opening of PTECH
Increased partnerships with Rochester’s non-profit and business community that address workforce needs and enhance program opportunities in our K-12 classrooms, including with Cradle 2 Career, Mayo Clinic, IBM, and local small businesses.