The next School Board meeting is Tuesday, February 23 beginning at 5:00 pm. This is a School Board Retreat. Full agenda at link and in photo.
The focus of the Retreat is a School Board Self Evaluation In-Service, facilitated by Gail Gilman, Minnesota School Board Association.
We will be evaluating the results of our school board self-evaluation report and discussing Board goals. We will discuss how we can best operate together as a governing body for the school district to support our shared goals for student outcomes.
There are no votes taken at a Retreat - it is a working session to receive and discuss information.
In accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.02, the Retreat will take place virtually, with one or more board members participating by electronic means.
Members of the public are not permitted to attend this meeting in person due to the current health pandemic. The public may watch the video online at
Upcoming Meetings
March 2, 2021, 5:30 pm - Regular School Board Meeting