The next School Board meeting is Tuesday, January 19 beginning at 5:30 pm. Full agenda at link and in photo.
Agenda Items of interest:
Information Items:
▶3.02 3.01 Cradle-to-Career Update - Information
▶3.03 Family Engagement Town Hall Meeting Update - Announcement
Research Proposal:
▶5.01 Approval of Research Study Family-School Partnerships: Cultural Differences in Parent Perception - Briefing
▶5.02 Secondary Learning Model - Information
School Board Governance:
▶7.03 District Calendar 2021-2022 - Briefing
Referendum Building Projects:
▶7.01 Approval of Knutson Construction as Construction Manager Agent for the District - Briefing
▶7.02 Naming the New Elementary School Building - Briefing
▶7.08 Referendum Project Update
A reminder on what the status of each agenda item means:
✅Consent Agenda - the Board is being asked to take action/vote on this item at this meeting.
✅Information - the Board is receiving information; no Board action/vote will be taken.
✅Briefing - the Board is being asked to take action/vote on this item - it could be moved to Action at this or a later meeting.
✅Action - the Board is being asked to take action/vote on this item at this meeting.
The meeting will be "virtual" - watch online at
If anyone would like to make a public comment to the Board, please email your comments to Mechelle Severson by 3:00 PM on Tuesday, and please include your name, address, and phone number as per our normal public comment procedure.
