The School Board has a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 5:30pm. Agenda highlights:
🧱See the new graphic Strategic Plan Summary in 4.03
🧾The Consent Agenda includes approval of the Student Nutrition Services contract (5.06) and the Longfellow 2023-24 Calendar (5.08)
🎯Two Focus Topics: 🎭⚽6.01 Extracurricular Activities Update and 🏫6.02 SCIP Update: Churchill/Hoover Elementary School
🕶Monitoring Items include an update on the implementation of this year's 👮School Resource Officer Contract (7.01) and a mid-year update from the 👨⚖️Superintendent on his goals (7.02)
✅Action Items: Approval of Deeper Learning Grant Funds (9.01) and Approval of Additional School Resource Officer(9.02)
Agenda and documents at:
📣Comments to the Board - info on how to make comments to the Board:
The meeting will be available on You Tube at
