The School Board meets on Tuesday, January 10 at 5:00pm for a Study Session. Study Session preview:
💡Hear an update on the Student-Centered Deeper Learning DISC (Item 3.01)
▶You can read some background research that we will be discussing in the excerpt from Jal Mehta's and Sarah Fine's book "In Search of Deeper Learning - The Quest to Remake the American High School" (available on Board Docs)
▶Did you know: DISC stands for "District-Wide Initiative for Systems Change", which is the abbreviation for the system-wide initiatives RPS is undertaking as part of our three-year Strategic Plan.
🏫🏢Hear about the District's Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Plan (Item 3.02)
Agenda item information in Board Docs:
The meeting will be available on You Tube at
As per School Board Policy 206, there will be no Comments to the Board at this meeting.
