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School Board issues

discussed in one year:

I will focus on what Rochester Public Schools need to do to best serve students, families and the community. 


I believe it is important for a school board member to have:


  • A method for asking questions and making decisions at the school board table.


  • An ability to have persuasive and productive conversations with other school board members and the administration.


  • A strategy for actively involving families and the community in supporting and shaping their children’s schools.

As an education advocate, I already ask a lot of questions of the school board. Here’s some of the questions I will ask as a school board member, and I would encourage my fellow school board members to do the same:


  • What do we need to prioritize to best serve our students?


  • How do we evaluate how well our current programs and curriculum are serving our students?


  • What are other districts and schools doing to be successful?


  • What information do we need to share with the community so that they understand what is happening in our schools and in the decisions we are making?


  • What information do we need to gather from the community to improve our decision-making?


  • How do our programs and curriculum measure up in terms of student outcomes?


  • What changes to our programs and curriculum do we need to consider?


  • What changes to we need to make to how we allocate our financial and personnel resources in the district?


  • What support is needed from the Rochester community to improve our schools?

Engaging Students, Families
and the Community:
I believe that public input improves our public schools. I spent the past 18 years as an education advocate at the local, state and Federal levels living that belief.
If elected, I will increase opportunities for the Rochester community to get information and to communicate to me and my colleagues on the school board.
Your concerns and compliments as involved parents, committed teachers, passionate student advocates and community activists will make me a better school board member and will help our schools serve our students better.
I have a demonstrated record of success improving school-family communication by developing online newsletters and social media at Century and Lincoln.
I’m continuing my communication focus during this campaign by using my social media and website to share upcoming school board meeting topics and District events along with my positions or thoughts on those issues.
I have a survey on this website to get feedback on your experiences in Rochester Public Schools and the issues you believe are critical to providing a well-rounded education that helps Rochester’s students to learn and thrive.

Prepared and paid for by the

Cathy Nathan for School Board Campaign Committee P.O. Box 9082 Rochester, MN 55903

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